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Jewelry size guide

How do I know my ring size?

Ring sizes are measured differently around the world. In some countries, the inner circumference of the ring is measured, while in other countries the internal diameter is measured.
At ViridiNordics, your size is measured according to the inner circumference. Further down is a list of what each circumference corresponds to in diameter.

Ring sizes are individual and can be hard to measure yourself, that is why we have made it easier for you. With the help of a ring sizer it is easy to figure out the correct size for the ring. Order yours here

When choosing the size of your ring there are a few things to keep in mind;

When measuring your ring size it is important to keep in mind that temperature and the time of day will impact the size of your finger. In the morning or when you are cold your fingers are narrower and, in the evening, they are usually a little more swollen. Therefore, the size should be tested several times during the day to get the most accurate result.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the ring does not fall off but does not sit too hard on the finger. It is also important to remember that it may differ slightly in how the size is perceived depending on whether the ring has an arched or straight inside. Generally this becomes evident for rings over 5 mm in width choose then one number bigger size.

How do I measure my size?

There are several methods to measuring your ring size. Try and compare the results of several of the methods to increase the probability that you measure the correct size. I recommend Method 1 and Method 2 for best results.

Order our ring sizer here and use it to measure your size according to the instructions with it.  Order yours here

Go to a jewelry shop/jeweler and ask to have your size measured and ask for the inner circumference.

Take an existing ring you have at home that fits and measure the inside diameter of the ring with a caliper. Read the dimension in mm, the size you get is the inside diameter and find the corresponding inner circumference in the list further down. Don’t forget to round up the size if it is uneven.

Take an existing ring you have at home that fits and measure the inner circumference of the ring with a tape measure. The inner perimeter corresponds to your size according to the inner circumference. Find the corresponding inner circumference in the list further down. Don’t forget to round up the size if it is uneven.

Use a thread or paper strip around the finger you want to measure. Put the string or paper strip around your finger and make sure the size is right and then make a marking. Measure the length in mm. The length of the thread corresponds to your size according to the internal circumference. Don’t forget to round up the size if it is uneven.


 Size chart